99 Red Balloons (R99)

2 min readDec 14, 2020

First of all. Sorry. The board had to be re-initialized. Message PiZZatoshi for reimbursements.

When all the kingdoms have been claimed, the 99Red Balloon contract will launch and will need to be initialized as well. Jump starters get bonus Rubix Fractal tokens which, like all cards will be used in the next iteration of this yugioh-like card game.

The Red Balloon contract (R99) is part of a partnership with https://www.spam.link/. $SPAM is a deflationary token. The mechanics of $SPAM and the game theory of R99 compliment each other.

There are several other tokens integrated into the R99 contract.
Different tokens are consumed to creates cards. To obtain different cards kingdoms have to be in certain arrangements on the board.

Sometimes they have to be in the center. or in the corners or adjacent to other specific kingdoms. The above is just examples. Once they align their combination the card can be obtained by clicking on the relevant kingdom.

$SPAM is used to stock up balloons to compete for the next Balloon Giver. All spam stocked earns dividends, the account that stocked the most balloons becomes the Balloon giver. Once the current balloon pops, the panda starts with a new red balloon. This can happen 99 times. The balloon popper gets the R99 token.

To pop a balloon the kingdom holding the balloon needs to change into the floating kingdom position. The special position above the board.

All cards purchased benefit the kingdom holding the balloon. Rugs from the Feather kingdom can be purchased to blow the balloon around.

